The lighting renovation of the pedestrian and cycle bridge Mount Carasso-Bellinzona enhances the surrounding landscape with emotional colours.

Featuring the highest percentage of four- and two-wheeled motor vehicles in Switzerland, the Italian speaking Canton Ticino area is facing increasing problems of intense circulation, traffic jams, besides atmospheric and acoustic pollution. The public administration of Bellinzona has been promoting new initiatives in order to solve these environmental issues by encouraging slow mobility. Moving on foot or by bicycle has therefore become a simple and unexpensive alternative, but above all a mindful ecological attitude that is getting more and more popular in the Swiss town. Already enjoying some good cycling infrastructures, Bellinzona keeps on endorsing improvement plans of existing structures as well as the creation of new urban facilities.
Mount Carasso-Bellinzona footbridge
Bellinzona, Switzerland
Lighting design
Pio Lancini - P&P Studio Elettrotecnico
Product supply
Dimensione Luce Bellinzona
Pio Lancini - P&P Studio Elettrotecnico
Owing to the presence of the River Ticino, cycle and pedestrian bridges have become a true landscape element in Bellinzona and its surroundings. Within a few kilometers there are at least five of them, all architecturally differently structured but with the same traffic reducing functionality.

Featuring metal and wooden planking, the footbridge Mount Carasso-Bellinzona is formed by two circular sections supported, in the floodplain, by concrete columns and, in the part that overlooks the Ticino river bed, by an inclined arch with radial tie rods. Its walking surface is made up of a wooden board, while the railing flanking the whole walkway is in stainless steel. The complex geometry of the structure, with a total length of 200 m and a weight of 210 tons, makes the cycle and pedestrian bridge Mount Carasso-Bellinzona an eye-catching architectural attraction in the midst of nature.
More than 10 years after its installation, the lighting system of the footbridge needed an upgrade through the latest generation of LED sources in order to support its eco-friendly footprint. Located at the base of the tie rods of the large inclined arch, the stainless steel tubular structures that used to contain the old lighting fixtures were kept in place to host the new lighting system. A dedicated custom version of our Micro-Clip MC met the project prerequisites and was therefore included in the specification by the lighting design studio in charge of the job. Specialized in the lighting of historic and modern buildings’ façades, as well as in the lighting design of squares, avenues and public areas, P&P Studio Elettrotecnico of Pio Lancini offers a range of highly professional services.

Installed in couples at the base of each of the 17 rods of the bridge, 34 units of custom Micro-Clip MC with narrow optics deliver a highly emotional impact through a rainbow of dynamic colours.  Lively colour scenes run on the arch of the bridge, pleasantly alternating with white light settings, to create an appealing visual impact at night.

Products installed:

34x AL5240NARNW MICRO-CLIP MC RGB+W 4000K custom version
7x Custom LED driver 1x AL4386 SPLITTER DMX RDM IP65 4 CH  


Lighting design: Pio Lancini - P&P Studio Elettrotecnico https://pstudiop.ch/it
Pictures: Pio Lancini - P&P Studio Elettrotecnico
Product supply: Dimensione Luce Bellinzona http://www.dimensioneluce.ch/
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